Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kitty Corner

Warning - If you aren't a cat lover, or at least a cat tolerator, or if you are squeamish about kitty digestive habits, please stop reading right now.

For the those of you who are still reading, here's a paradox. After a spanking I usually feel relaxed and contented. But I also seem to have a lot of energy and need to busy myself with various household tasks. Perhaps the explanation for the energy lies in the fact that I usually don't feel much like sitting down for an hour at least.

On this particular occasion I decided to check the state of Crookshanks' litter box. The box is situated in an out of the way spot, where the ceiling is very low and the only light is a single bulb hanging overhead. Beside it is an ottoman, both for Crookshanks' comfort and my own. I made my way to the box in semi-darkness, and as I sat down on the ottoman I reached up and turned on the light.

The vinyl surface felt delightfully cool on my hot bottom. Cold, in fact. Cold and....wet??? Ewwww!

I jumped up and saw that the remains of a very large kitty breakfast had been regurgitated onto the ottoman. Most of it was stuck to the seat of my sweatpants. I gingerly wiggled out of the pants, trying to confine any fallout to the ottoman's surface. The laundry sink was close by, and I deposited the pants in it, then set about cleaning up the mess with paper towels.

I scampered upstairs, removed my wet underwear, gently washed my still tender posterior, and dressed in clean clothes. Crookshanks wandered by, looked at me and chirruped. Hungry, no doubt.


Pandora Blake said...

Now I've heard of people using aloe vera to soothe their bottoms after a spanking, or Vitamin E cream ... but kitty sick? That's a new one to me :)

Greenwoman said...

LOL! Eww! *winks*

That's somehow a bit more disconcerting that a middle of night, sitting down in the dark peeing adventure to find that one of the men in the household wasn't coherent enough with their own peeing adventure to get the seat up first...

Michael said...

Cats, it's their world and we only live in it. The one thing that I was happy about in my divorce was that my ex got custody of the two cats.

Hermione, thanks for sharing that story, I think. *G*


Anonymous said...

Hermione, that is a funny story and I use to own a cat....well several in fact but now I can no longer take care of them so I don't have any. I miss my kitties but of course I don't miss incidents like this! *G*

Paul said...

Hermione, a typical cat story.
Might I suggest that next time you use Aloe Vera or Arnica, that should reduce the eeew factor.
Warm hug,

Terpsichore said...

I would say that was a gross story...but I have two little kids... :-) LOL

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that dogs have masters and cats have staff.

Anonymous said...

I have a cat, and within a month or so D and I will be moving in together. Fortunately, she loves cats. In fact, we see some striking similarities between her personality and my cat's -- particularly in terms of getting into mischief just to get some attention.

Thanks for a great story! These are the kinds of stories that are no fun when they're happening, but make for hilarious memories later!

Dr. Ken said...

Hermione--you know the joke:

Dogs look at you and think, "He feeds me, he gives me water, he gives me a house to sleep in and sees to my well-being--he must be God!"

Cats look at you and think, "He feeds me, he gives me water, he gives me a house to sleep in and sees to my well-being--I must be God!"

Dr. Ken

Hermione said...

There are two kinds of people in the world: dog people and cat people. I don't wish to offend half my readers by expressing a preference either way, so let me just say we have both, and they all get along well.

Pandora - A new home remedy! And quite plentiful.

Greenwoman - Tell the men to turn the light on. And maybe you'd better do the same.

Michael - You were twice blessed, then.

Pest - Just remember the good times.

Paul - Thanks for the advice. I do use arnica, and keep an aloe plant handy too, for burns and such.

Terpsichore - You can get used to anything in time.

Span King - And it's quite true.

G - You're right. I wasn't laughing at the time.

It's wonderful that you are both cat lovers, and that D and your cat are so much alike.

Dr. Ken - Truer words were never spoken.